My Aunt passed away in August 2008. Had asked her if she had a will she said yes but did not know where it was. I searched her apartment and the bank did a search of the safe deposit box but found no will. The only asset she has is a 1997 mercury tracer with a blue book value of about 1800. I live in NY she was a PA resident. Cars are not transferrable to ''nieces'' upon death. I have a title and i am in possession of the vehicle. How can I sell the vehicle without being able to sign the title.
Re: aunt
Your aunt died intestate (without a Will), thus her estate passes by the intestacy laws of PA. The closest living relative, following a family tree concept, is entitled to apply to be administrator of her estate. It appears if this was the only asset, that a small estate proceeding is all that is necessary. You do not say if you are the closest living relative. Did she leave living children and/or a husband, living parents, living brothers and/or sisters or other living nieces and/or nephews? This is the order of intestcy inheritance rights. If someone is above you (closer relative) or if there were other nieces and nephews (presuming no closer relatives exist), you need to share the proceeds of sale, after someone is appointed. If you need more information, contact me directly.