consent for background check
My child's school is asking that I sign
a document that consents to a
background check before I am
allowed to participate in a field trip. I
have no problem consenting to this.
However, another page of the
document consents to access to my
education, employment history and
financial information. I talked with
the school lawyer and he said I must
sign all the pages in order to
participate in the activity. Can they
require me to consent to the
additional information (more than
just a background check)? Again, I
do consent to the background check.
Re: consent for background check
It seems extreme to request your education and financial information (employment makes at least some sense).
Ask the school attorney to cite the RCW and WAC that gives them the authority to request this information. If it's just a local school policy, or even just a county ordinance, the school and/or county may be exceeding its statutory authority.
As you know, terrible things have happened to kids, and schools are trying to be extra careful these days. The schools don't want to expose the kids to dangerous persons. Still, asking for all that information seems rather extreme....especially the financial information.
Let me know what the attorney tells you.
Good luck.
Merry Kogut