Government Watch List
Please don't laugh at my question.
Is there a (quick) way to verify if I
am on a government watch list?
A crazy yet powerful neighbor in my
building claimed she had a recording
of me (on her computer) making
terrorist like statements about the
current President (about his death).
I am not a Bush fan, I am against
the war in Iraq, but I know I would
not/did not make a statement of that
nature. This is just the tip of the
iceberg. This person has been
harassing me for about 3 years now
and my quality of life has suffered
I have many other questions, some
in different categories of law, I just
wanted to see if anyone could answer
this one first.
Re: Government Watch List
There are several government watch list. The one that seems to get the most attention is the no air travel watch list from the Transportation Security Administration, a department within Homeland Security Department. The TSA is most familar as the people doing the airport secuity screening. You may begin your search with either agency or the FBI. Alternativly, you can stop being paranoid and confront your neighbor about the so called recording. You may want to fight back by making an inquiry as to whether she was present during the time of the recording of your statment. If she was not then there is the possibility that she is in violation of federal and state laws against the electronic recording of your conversation. Finally, perhaps you should sit down and write a list of how this person can affect your life. You may find that her so called power is an illusion. Best wishes.