During these trying times, many people have found themselves dealing with creditors and debt collection agencies. But don't fret -- there are strong consumers laws that protect you from overly aggressive collection tactics. Here is a list of what creditors and debt collection agencies MAY NOT DO: A...
AILA Doc. No. 19032730 | Dated March 26, 2019 AILA member Shachar Shawn Malachovsky discussed the top five issues surrounding USCIS delays under the Trump administration. One: Processing times for USCIS cases are delayed: According to a recent AILA Policy Brief, "USCIS Processing Delays Have...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases in the Eastern District of Virginia have a predictable timeline associated with their administration. Failure to file the required documents by the statutory deadlines can result in dismissal of the bankruptcy case. Before Filing The debtor must complete their credit...
The Judicial Conference has made significant changes to the Official Bankruptcy Forms. Beginning December 1, 2015, the Official Forms for the Southern District of Florida will be replaced with significantly modified, reformatted and renumbered versions. Financials The changes that will most affect...
My husband and I married each other in Africa. Under the law of the African country where we were married, it is lawful for a man to have more than one wife. Unbeknownst to me at the time we married, my husband was already lawfully married to another woman. . . . 1. As an initial matter, you should...
After you list all your options and you finally decide that enough is enough and you want to file for bankruptcy, it is best to know the things that go on your behalf and against you, so you will not have troubles that can hurt your bankruptcy case. Do: Tell your Lawyer Everything Even if it is...
Whether you are filing with an attorney or proceeding pro se, these are some helpful tips to gather information that will better prepare your case for filing. File Your Taxes It is a requirement that you provide your trustee, no less than seven days before your creditor meeting, with copies of your...
Is filing Bankruptcy the right answer for me? I have been asked this question many, many times over my thirty two years in practice. I normally have a discussion with the person who asked this question around their individual finances. I start with finding out how much money they bring home each...
The breakup of a marriage can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences a person can suffer. This pain can be exacerbated by the discovery of a spouse’s infidelity . If you're considering a divorce, learn what steps to take before you confront your spouse. Steps to Take Before...
Evaluate all your marital assets and liabilities. Print out a long form financial affidavit and fill everything out as detailed as possible. You can find this form here: http://www.flcourts.org/gen_public/family/forms_rules/902c.pdf . Gather three months' worth of paystubs, bank statements, and...
Viewed from a personal perspective rather than collectively as a couple, comparing the amount of wealth and assets once shared in marriage relative to what will be your share after asset division can be daunting. What was once thought sufficient to maintain a happy relationship and comfortable...
Criminal law is one of the oldest of the major branches of law. It spells out rules of conduct for society to follow and provides for penalties when those rules are broken. The law also protects by shielding citizens from wrongful prosecutions and mistakes made by law enforcement officials,...
Tip #1 For Divorce in Connecticut: Have a Vision The first tip for divorce in Connecticut is to define what is most important to you in your divorce and what your future goals are beyond the divorce. What issue must be resolved as most important? Is it about your children, your finances, your...
Whether you operate in a for profit or not for profit organization, there are certain fundamental guidelines that should be observed in order to not only engender confidence in the process and the decision that is made but also avoid potential legal claims and other adverse consequences. The...